Advanced selections & masking in Adobe Photoshop – Select Anything! – Adobe Photoshop CC 2018

A YouTube video mentioned by Steve Field at DIG meet on Mon 8th March 2021. YouTube links Link to the YouTube page, click here
Mike Martin – Creating Your Own Brushes

Mike’s mastery of Photoshop and imagination has won him many awards and I am looking forward to seeing how you can create and use one of the most basic tools – brushes, and get away from the simple round brush. Video is Copyright Mike Martin, any reproduction is strictly prohibited. YouTube links Nemanja SekulicPiXimperfect
Peter Hartlands Info Sheets

Following my demonstration at the Digital Group, I have been asked to produce notes for reference to the process shown. I have been trying to develop a more artistic view to some of my images. Firstly as you have already seen it does not always work and selecting the right type of image to apply this […]
Neil’s Digital Course Information Sheets

As the course progresses Neil will put information sheets here after each session ,all you have to do is click on the topic heading. 1) Introduction to the Workspace 2) Introduction to Layers 3) Basic Manipulations 4) Basic Selections 5) Adjustments 6) Basic Workflow 7a) Colour Management in Photoshop 7b) Test Chart Printing Instructions 8) […]
Gregs’s Notes from DI Meeting 11th March 2013

Mike Martin – Retouching

Ashwin’s Challenge by Neil McCoubrey – 05/03/08

Three methods for recovering shadow detailIn high contrast imagesMethod 1 – The simple one! Duplicate the layer Apply Image / Adjustments / Equalise Set Blend mode to Normal or Luminosity, whichever works best. Play with Opacity & see what happens. If required add a Hue / Saturation layer and increase Saturation to recover colour. Method […]