Bristol Photographic Society

Bristol Salon is NOW open for entires  –  CLICK FOR MORE INFO

Great Western Photographic Exhibition (BPE) is NOW open for entires  –  CLICK FOR MORE INFO

Our Photography Course is open for Bookings

Site image by maarten-van-den-heuvel-_pc8aMbI9UQ-unsplash

Council Members

Bristol Photographic Society day-to-day management committee are known as ‘Council Members’ 

Pete Howell

Newsletter Editor

Ralph Snook

Bristol Salon Chairman

Richard Kay

Charity Commission

Graham Pears


Carol Sykes

Membership Secretary

Jay Hallsworth

Programme Secretary

WCPF Representative

Ken Clarke

PDI Competition Secretary

David Alderson 

Print Competition Secretary

Mike Martin

External Competition Secretary
Studio Bookings 
Studio Group

Ashwin Chauhan

Digital Image Group

Mike Hall

Beyond The Wall Group

Derek Hickey

Photography Course Co-ordinator

Vicky Harrison 

Clubroom Steward

Peter McCloskey

Council Member

Nigel Owen 


Matt de-Beger 

Projectionist (Hybrid Meetings)

Steve Field

Council Member

Jeff Hargreaves 

Council Member

Contact Us

Using the Contact Form

If you have any questions please contact us using the form on the right, selecting a recipient from the dropdown menu.

Please Note: If you are contacting the Society with information that you would like circulated to all members, please send your request to the Newsletter Editor ONLY.

By Post

Unit 13
Montpelier Central
Station Rd
Bristol, BS6 5EE

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Bristol Salon has moved to a new dedicated website.

* Note: you are being taken to an external site. *