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Great Western Photographic Exhibition (BPE) is NOW open for entires  –  CLICK FOR MORE INFO

Our Photography Course is open for Bookings – Click here for info & Book your place TODAY!

Bristol Salon is NOW open for entires  –  CLICK FOR MORE INFO


Data Protection Policy

Bristol Photographic Society has an appointed Data Controller within the UK and exists for the benefit of members and those interested in photography.

Bristol Photographic Society collects and holds personal data about:

  • Society Members
  • Other persons (such as judges, speakers) as necessary for the conduct of the business of Bristol Photographic Society
  • Photographers as the creators of images used in the legitimate activities of Bristol Photographic Society.

The personal information referred to in this Policy comprises:

  • Basic member contact details only i.e. member’s name, address, telephone number and email address
  • Information required for the effective administration of the Society, such as membership records e.g. contact details, payment of subscriptions, competition entries and results
  • Other records and essential Society documents such as minutes of Council and AGM minutes, catalogues, results, awards, or other matters publicly related to the objectives of Bristol Photographic Society.

Bristol Photographic Society reserves the right to publish the name of entrants and the titles of any pictures or images submitted to internal and external competitions and exhibitions.

Any person wishing to verify their personal data as held by Bristol Photographic Society may apply to the Secretary. No charge will be made for this and any inaccuracies found will be corrected by the Society.

Bristol Photographic Society cannot guarantee or accept responsibility for data that is “in transit” over the internet. However, once received, any data will be held securely, where Bristol Photographic Society has a legitimate interest.

Member details will be held by Bristol Photographic Society in accordance with this Data Protection Policy, which is available on its website or on request from the Secretary.

Contact Us

Using the Contact Form

If you have any questions please contact us using the form on the right, selecting a recipient from the dropdown menu.

Please Note: If you are contacting the Society with information that you would like circulated to all members, please send your request to the Newsletter Editor ONLY.

By Post

Unit 13
Montpelier Central
Station Rd
Bristol, BS6 5EE

Bristol Salon has moved to a new dedicated website.

* Note: you are being taken to an external site. *