The Society always welcomes new members, especially keen photographers and we are sure you will enjoy sharing your interest in photography with others in our Society. Our membership includes a wide range of people from beginners to photographers well known nationally. We meet every Wednesday evening for a couple of hours, starting at 7.30.
You are welcome to attend for a few evenings to find out about Bristol Photographic Society (there is a small charge of £3 (cash ONLY) per visit for a maximum of 3 visits, refundable on joining as a full member). Please introduce yourself to our Membership Secretary, Carol, who will be delighted to welcome you and please feel free to chat to members especially during the coffee break.
The main activities are lectures, many of which are by nationally known photographers, and competitions for members to participate in. We also have monthly meetings of special interest groups such as studio work and digital imaging which are open to all members. We have good studio facilities including backgrounds and studio flash equipment for use by members. The Society organises a photography course every year starting in September which has proved to be very popular in recent years. We also have a well stocked library of photographic books on a variety of subjects if you wish to explore an aspect in greater depth.
In 2015 Bristol Photographic Society moved into new premises; these were purpose built to suit our needs and hopefully will see us well into the 21st Century. The clubrooms consist of ground and first floors.

This is updated regularly and contains information and news about the Society as well as images and advice. The Webmaster welcomes contributions and members can submit articles directly.
The declared objectives of the Society are to promote science and art through photography and in particular:
1) To arrange lectures and demonstrations.
2) To promote and sponsor competitions and exhibitions.
3) To maintain a permanent collection of the outstanding work of its members.
Bristol Photographic Scociety is affiliated to the Western Counties Photographic Federation (WCPF) which itself is part of the Phtotographic Alliance of Great Britain (PAGB)
The Bristol Photographic Society is a Company Limited by Guarantee, the maximum liability of each member being limited to £1.00. All members of the Society are members of the Company and have equal rights at General Meetings. The management of the Society is controlled by members of the Council of Management of the Society who are elected at the Annual General Meeting. Members of the Council are directors of the company. Full details of the Society’s objectives and powers are given in its Memorandum of Association. The Society is a registered charity and its affairs are governed by its Articles of Association, company law and its rules ( a copy of which is available to all members) .

We have our own studio onsite and more info of our facilitles by clicking here.
For more info or to book our studio email