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 What do all the letters after a photographer’s name mean? 

The lecturer or judge comes to the club and the chairman, in introducing him, reels off a load of letters after his name. To newer members these might as well be the letters you have just been given in a game of Scrabble for all the sense they make, however they do mean something and are a recognition of either service to photography or are granted for achievement in photography. 

There are a number of organisations who grant awards or distinctions, and they tend to be national or international organisations. The information has therefore been set out below, organisation by organisation for the most common: RPS, PAGB, BPE, FIAP, PSA and GPU. Please remember these are brief notes; refer to the relevant web site for full information and guidance. 


Web site:

The RPS grants distinctions for three levels of achievement. You have to be an RPS member to hold any of these distinctions and you can only use them as long as you are a member of the RPS. 

LRPS – Licentiate of the RPS 
The first level, Licentiateship is open to all members of The Royal Photographic Society. Non-members of The Society may also apply but if they are successful, the Distinction will not be approved until they have become members. The Licentiateship is awarded either for competence in practical photography, or by passing of an appropriate examination in photography recognised by The Society. Licentiate requires the applicant to submit 10 digital images and a presentation layout for assessment. In AV you will be required submit one or more sequences lasting not less than 10 minutes. 

ARPS – Associate of the RPS 
Members and non-members may apply for Associateship, a more specialised Distinction. It is for a high degree of proficiency and a high technical and visual competence in particular categories. The Award will not be approved until membership is taken up. You have to submit 15 prints, 15 digital images, or a 15 mins sequence in AV. 

FRPS – Fellow of the RPS 
Fellowship is the highest Distinction of The Royal Photographic Society and recognises original work and outstanding ability in a specialist field. 

It is open to Associates of The Society and Fellows of the BIPP, but photographers with an established reputation may apply directly, based on their CV, references, publications and exhibitions, even if they are non-members of The Society. They still need to join to hold the distinction once awarded. 

In most categories you will be required to submit either 20 prints, 20 digital images, 20 minutes of Audio-Visual sequence, or 20 minutes of film or video. 

Hon.FRPS – Honorary Fellow of the RPS 
The RPS awards this title to people who have made a significant contribution to the field of photography or to the RPS itself. 


Web Site: 

PAGB Offers both Service and Merit awards, the former may not be applied for, but the latter must be. 

Service Awards 

APAGB – Award of PAGB 
This is granted to members of affiliated Federations and their clubs for prolonged outstanding service to photography. Generally at least 10 years’ Federation service is a minimum or at least 30 years or more at Club level is required. 

Hon.PAGB – Honorary Member of PAGB 
This is generally awarded for prolonged outstanding service to the PAGB, usually by membership on its Executive. 

Merit Awards 

The first of four awards for photographic merit. Entries will be assessed at the same level as required for CPAGB and the images needed to achieve the Badge Award can be described as approaching “Good Club Photography”. Photographs which meet the requirement for BPAGB will probably do well in a good Club in an Advanced Section of their internal competitions or in Inter-Club competitions, the kind of image which a Club may sometimes choose to represent them in Federation events. You must achieve 125 points from your images from the 6 adjudicators. 

CPAGB – Credit PAGB 
10 Prints or 10 PDI are required and a total score of 200 or more will gain the Award. This is offered for what is generally interpreted as ‘good class’ photography. Such photographs would be of a standard whereby they might be expected to represent the club at inter-club and Federation events at least. You must have supported your Federations events for 2 years out the last 10 and must submit 10 photographs to an adjudication panel which normally convenes twice a year. 

DPAGB – Distinction PAGB 
15 Prints or 15 PDI are required and a total score of 300 or more will gain the Award. It may be interpreted as requiring 15 photographs which are of open exhibition standard and again you have to achieve a set number of points from the panel of 6 adjudicators. You do not need to hold CPAGB to apply for this award, but you must have supported Federation Competitions for at least 3 years from the last 10. 

EPAGB – Excellence PAGB 
15 Prints are required and a total score of 330 or more will gain the Award. 

The adjudicators will assess at the same level as for DPAGB and are looking for photographs that, in their opinion, should be good enough to achieve a high level of acceptance in Open Exhibitions but, although there can be a much greater commonality of standard at exhibition level, there are still considerable variations. 

MPAGB – Master PAGB 
This is the highest award for photographic merit granted by PAGB and requires the highest standard of amateur photography with each of 20 photographs likely to achieve consistent success at International Exhibition level and also likely to win at least an occasional award. Requires at least 5 years support for Federation Competitions from the last 10 years. 


Web Site:

The BPE exists to encourage photographers to enter exhibitions and to recognize successful entrants via the issue of the Crown Awards photographic distinctions. 

The National Exhibitions which are members of the British Photographic Exhibitions offer a Crown Award system designed to enable successful exhibition photographers to gain additional recognition. Exhibitors are invited to aggregate their acceptances in the affiliated exhibitions and, upon reaching the accepted aggregate, to apply without charge for a Crown Rating Award. Each successful applicant for an award will receive a Certificate and a Ribbon and will be able to use the letters acknowledging their award after their name. 

BPE1 Crown Award – 25 points
BPE2 Crown Award – 50 points
BPE3 Crown Award – 100 points
BPE4 Crown Award – 200 points
BPE5 Crown Award – 300 points 

Those who achieve the top crown award rating BPE5* are then invited to aggregate acceptances and awards in the member exhibitions and upon reaching the accepted aggregate to apply, without charge, for Associateship ABPE and Fellowship FBPE. The successful applicant will receive a Certificate and Medal and will be able to use the letters acknowledging their award after their name. 

ABPE Associateship of British Photographic Exhibitions 
Those who already hold a BPE5* award may apply for an Associateship when they have achieved the following since gaining the BPE5*: 

A further 100 acceptances in member exhibitions & 20 awards using at least ten different pieces of work. 

An award includes any recognition beyond an acceptance such as a commendation, a ribbon or a medal. A photograph used in both print and projected image sections in member exhibitions will not be counted as different pieces of work in applying this requirement. 

FBPE Fellowship of British Photographic Exhibitions 
Those who already hold an ABPE may apply for a Fellowship when they have achieved the following since gaining the Associateship: 

A further 100 acceptances in member exhibitions & since gaining their ABPE, 30 awards using at least fifteen different pieces of work. These awarded pictures must not have gained awards previously or been used for their ABPE application. 


Web Site:

FIAP grants two types of Awards, the first for Service to photography (which cannot be applied for) and the second for achievement in International Exhibitions and Salons sponsored by FIAP.

Service Awards 

ESFIAP – Excellence in Service 
This is awarded for substantial service to FIAP and photography at National and International level. 

Hon.FIAP – Honorary FIAP Membership 
This is a higher award than ESFIAP and is usually given to holders of ESFIAP for prolonged service to FIAP. 

International Exhibition/Salon Achievement Distinctions: 
All the below requirements for acceptances are now accumulative, which means that acceptances gained from ANY lower award count towards ANY of the higher awards. However no more than 15% of any of the minimum requirements for acceptances for any of the distinctions below can come from any one country. 

AFIAP – Artiste FIAP
The minimum requirements are that over a period of no less than 1 year the applicant has supported exhibitions/salons worldwide, and gained 40 acceptances from 15 different salons, in at least 8 countries. 10% of the required minimum acceptances (4) must have been obtained using prints as opposed to PDI. A ‘circuit’ counts as only one salon. Entering the same salon in different year’s counts as separate salons. England, Scotland and Wales count as separate countries. These conditions apply for both AFIAP and EFIAP. 

EFIAP – Excellence FIAP 
An application for EFIAP cannot be made less than 1 year after receiving AFIAP. Including those from AFIAP, applicants must have gained at least 250 acceptances from at least 50 different photographs and with at least two photos gaining an award, each in a different country. 10% of the required minimum acceptances (25) must have been obtained using prints as opposed to projected digital images. These must be received from at least 30 different salons in at least 20 different countries. (see AFIAP re conditions about salons & countries) 

EFIAP/b – Excellence FIAP Bronze Award 
EFIAP/s – Excellence FIAP Silver Award 
EFIAP/g – Excellence FIAP Gold Award 
EFIAP/p – Excellence FIAP Platinum Award 
EFIAP/d1 – Excellence FIAP Diamond 1 Award 
EFIAP/d2 – Excellence FIAP Diamond 2 Award 
EFIAP/d3 – Excellence FIAP Diamond 3 Award 

These further awards are subject to a scale of achievement in International Salons and Exhibitions, each over a period on no less than 1 year. Applicants must be holders of EFIAP and are required, to achieve a minimum of achievement on an accumulating scale: 

EFIAP/b (Bronze) 400 acceptances, with at least 100 different works 
EFIAP/s (Silver) 700 acceptances, with at least 200 different works 
EFIAP/g (Gold) 1000 acceptances, with at least 300 different works 
EFIAP/p (Platinum) 1500 acceptances, with at least 400 different works 
EFIAP/d1 (Diamond1) 150 awards with 15 different works in 5 different countries 
EFIAP/d2 (Diamond2) 100 awards with 30 different works in 7 different countries 
EFIAP/d3 (Diamond3) 200 awards with 50 different works in 10 different countries 

All AFIAP and EFIAP awards at any level can be achieved by an appropriate mix of media, ie prints, or digital.

MFIAP – Master FIAP 
Considered by many to be the highest award of its type from FIAP, this can only be obtained in Prints or AV work and requires a presentation of the highest standard, which is themed and accompanied by a dissertation on the work. 


Web site:

Service Awards 
The PSA have a scale of awards for service to photography and these are granted to members of PSA who have given recognised levels of service to photography anywhere in the world. Again as with all service awards they cannot be applied for. 

APSA – Associate of PSA 
This is granted to PSA members of 5 years standing or more for service to photography. 

FPSA – Fellowship of PSA 
This is granted to holders of the APSA award to PSA members of 5 years standing or more for service to photography, since the award of APSA. 

Hon.FPSA – Honorary Fellowship of PSA 
This is granted to PSA members generally for very long periods of outstanding service to photography and PSA in particular. 

Merit Awards 
PSA runs an awards scheme, recognising success in Exhibitions sponsored by them. They start with “Star Ratings” which recognises the accumulation of specific numbers of Acceptances from specific numbers of different images. These are gained separately for a number of photographic disciplines, such as PDI, Prints, Nature, etc. 

Each on these has its own Divisional structure. They record Exhibition results separately but have a common criterion. The current standard requirements for each division are as follows 

1 Star 18 acceptances from 6 different photographs 
2 Star 36 acceptances from 12 different photographs 
3 Star 72 acceptances from 24 different photograph 
4 Star 144 acceptances from 48 different photographs 
5 Star 288 acceptances from 96 different photographs 

There are then higher scales called “Galaxy Ratings”. PSA does not recognise Star Rating Awards as being eligible for placing after the recipient’s name but does so for The Recognition of Photographic Achievement (ROPA) Awards shown below. 

QPSA – Qualified PSA 
To apply for this award, you need at least 54 Acceptances from one or more division. 

PPSA – Proficiency PSA 
To apply for this award, you need at least 288 Acceptances from one or more division. 

EPSA – Excellence PSA 
To apply for this award, you need at least 700 Acceptances from one or more division. 

MPSA – Master PSA 
To apply for this award, you need at least 1500 Acceptances from one or more division. 

GMPSA – Grand Master PSA 
To apply for this award, you need at least 3000 Acceptances from one or more division 

GMPSA/b – GMPSA/s – GMPSA/g & GMPSA/p – Grand Master PSA/Bronze/Silver/Gold & Platinum

To apply for these additional awards, you must have received at least 5,000/7,000/9,000/11,000 acceptances respectively from one or more divisions. a portfolio of 20 images plus the overview image plus statement


Web site: 

Global Photographic Union (GPU). Established in 2007 as a non-profitable international photographic association where photographic art allows and encourages cultural exchange. 

Since then GPU has emerged as one of the most recognizable and highly esteemed photographic associations in the world. 

Additionally, GPU operates its own photographic distinctions scheme, where photographers collect points from acceptances, mentions and awards in international exhibitions (CROWN and VIP distinctions) or by submitting their own portfolio and gaining titles (Aphrodite, Hermes, Zeus and the recently added highest title of Grand Master). 

GPU system for CROWNs is based on points that the photographers collect from acceptances, mentions and awards in international exhibitions of any patronage and year. 

GPU Crown 1: 200 pts. 
GPU Crown 2: 600 pts. 
GPU Crown 3: 2500 pts. 
GPU Crown 4: 6000 pts. 
GPU Crown 5: 15000 pts. 

ACCEPTED photo or portfolio (not GPU’s patronage) = 1 points 
Honorable Mention or Certificate (not GPU’s patronage) = 2 points 
Medal or Trophy (not GPU’s patronage) = 4 points 

Accepted image = 2 points
HM/ Certificate = 4 points
Medal/ Trophy = 8 points 


BIPP British Institute of Professional Photographers

BPE British Photographic Exhibitions

BPS Bristol Photographic Society 

FIAP Federation International de l’art Photographique

GPU Global Photographic Union

IPF Irish Photographic Federation

MPA Master Photographers Association

PAGB Photographic Alliance of Great Britain

Regional Federations within the PAGB 

  • CACC – Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs 
  • EAF – East Anglian Federation 
  • KCPA – Kent County Photographic Association 
  • L&CPU – Lancashire & Cheshire Photographic Union 
  • MCPF – Midland Counties Photographic Federation 
  • NCPF – Northern Counties Photographic Federation 
  • N&EMPF – North & East Midlands Photographic Federation 
  • NIPA – Northern Ireland Photographic Association 
  • NWPA – North Wales Photographic Federation 
  • SPF – Scottish Photographic Federation 
  • SCPF – Southern Counties Photographic Federation 
  • SPA – Surrey Photographic Federation 
  • WPF – Welsh Photographic Federation 
  • WCPF – Western Counties Photographic Federation 
  • YPU – Yorkshire Photographic Federation 

PSAPhotographic Society of America 

RPS The Royal Photographic Society 

Updated August 2024  | Pete Howell 
With acknowledgement to Dave Coates ARPS, EFIAP/p, MPAGB, HonEFIAP, HonPAGB 

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Station Rd
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