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Great Western Photographic Exhibition (BPE) is NOW open for entires  –  CLICK FOR MORE INFO

Our Photography Course is open for Bookings – Click here for info & Book your place TODAY!

Bristol Salon is NOW open for entires  –  CLICK FOR MORE INFO

Special Interest Groups

Digital Image Group

This group meets with the intention of providing contact, mutual support and the exchange of ideas for those interested in digital techniques in photography. The group is open to all members of the Society. The meetings will be generally of an informal nature and consist partly of contributions of a technical nature and partly of presentations by members of the group.

It is intended that the technical contribution at each meeting will focus on one or more topics from the list of general headings below, which will promote the understanding of the tools and their use for creative photography.

  • Digital Equipment
  • Hardware and Software Management
  • Scanning
  • Basic Photoshop Techniques and Tools
  • Image Manipulation
  • Printing
  • Creative Techniques using Photoshop

The meetings are held in the clubroom on one Monday each month on the dates listed in the programme. For further information please contact the Chairman of the group Ashwin. 

Studio Group

Image of BPS building

This group exists for the benefit of members and is a great opportunity for those less familiar with working with models or working in a studio environment to learn from others and practice, or for the more experienced an opportunity to hone their craft with a variety of subjects that they may otherwise not have an opportunity to shoot.

The intention of this group is to provide a varied programme of events and activities to encourage members to take and share photographs, both in the studio and outside. The programme will be shaped by members themselves. 

For further details see the Studio Hire page or contact Mike Martin, the Studio Manager

Distinctions/Print Group

This group is intended for members planning to submit for RPS and PAGB distinctions. Attendees are encouraged to bring work along, either potential panels or for discussion.

Members seeking general advice on printing are welcome.

Meetings are held on a three month basis and can be found listed in the programme.

Contact Us

Using the Contact Form

If you have any questions please contact us using the form on the right, selecting a recipient from the dropdown menu.

Please Note: If you are contacting the Society with information that you would like circulated to all members, please send your request to the Newsletter Editor ONLY.

By Post

Unit 13
Montpelier Central
Station Rd
Bristol, BS6 5EE

Bristol Salon has moved to a new dedicated website.

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